Do you need a professional looking domain / website name? Do you want a professional email that can be accessed from anywhere at anytime?

No contracts. Simply domain and email services built on trust.

Professional Domain

You’re either one of two people; you already have a domain or you need a domain for your company. If you already have a domain that’s great. I can build you a website and getting you up and running with professional emails. If you need a domain then I can buy and manage it on you behalf. All domains bought for clients will be registered in their names. It’s handy for me to buy the domain on your behalf as then everything can be managed on my accounts therefore you’re only port of call if you have any questions is me. If you ever needed to transfer the domain to someone else then that can be sorted. It can take up to 3 days to transfer but usually does happen within 24hrs. If you are really unsure how it all works the best and easiest option is for me to take control and manage it for you.

Professional Emails

Do you want a professional looking email address rather than a hotmail, yahoo or gmail email address? I link your domain to a professional account. There are 2 professional options using Google Apps or Office 365. Both cost about £3.33 a month. The bonus of using one of these apps is that your emails are always backed up, you can access them anywhere around the world through a web browser. They both provide mobile apps making it simple to use on the go and they both provide loads of extra apps i.e Word, Excel, Analytics. My recommendation would be the Google App but I can talk you through the available options to work out the best solution for you.

Responsive Websites Warrington

Get setup today with a professional domain and email.

Give me a call or use the online contact form for a free friendly chat. Remember all website management options are built to suit your needs.